Drill down combo boxes sample

The sample project gives an example of how interdependent fields or table fields can be designed to be displayed as combo boxes on the validation form and how the dependencies can be implemented via script. This is a use case whenever selected values affect the available list of values for a combo box.

After you have extracted the Drill Down Combo Boxes sample zip file, you can find the project file and a database "Tax".

Note To be able to use this sample project, you have to create a system or user DSN (Data Source Name) called "Tax."

Within the Project Builder you can view the script that is defined on class level by double-clicking the script icon in the project structure. The script handles an up to 4 level dependency within fields or table fields using the given database sample. Important information is added to the script code as comments. The validation form layout is configured so that interdependent fields and table cells are displayed as combo boxes on the validation form and that the combo box content is filled via script considering these dependencies. The option to have a description alongside the values in the list is selected for all fields except "TaxJurisdiction."

The following fields are defined for the sample project:

  • Organization

  • TaxRegime

  • TaxFeed

  • TaxJurisdiction

  • Table (contains table columns: Organization, Regime, Feed, Jurisdiction)