Configuration Sets

Configuration Sets are a way of separating environmentally dependent settings from the rest of the project configuration. You can also create configuration sets ahead of the time you will need them. Because of these configuration sets, you can then switch between configurations if your project environment changes. This means that you can minimize the time it takes to change environments because you no longer need to open your project and update multiple settings.

The settings that are controlled by configuration sets include:

  • The path to the online learning files

  • Dictionary import paths

  • Local fuzzy database import paths

  • Associative Search Database paths

  • Relational database connections

  • Kofax Search and Matching Server settings

  • Script variables

Important When the modification date for a fuzzy database or a dictionary is newer than the currently loaded version, the fuzzy database or dictionary is automatically updated.

When moving a project to a new environment with a new configuration set that includes fuzzy database or dictionary import paths, it is possible that they use the imported data from the previous configuration set. This is because the fuzzy database or dictionary source from the old configuration set has a newer modification date than those in the newer configuration set.

This state is temporary and as soon as the items in the newer configuration set have a more recent modification date, they are imported and override the imported data from the old configuration set.

For example, you have a project with three configuration sets. The first configuration set is for developing a project using non-production resources. The second configuration set is for testing the project in isolation before it is put into production. The third configuration set is for the production environment with live databases and resources. Each environment can have its own configuration set and switching between them requires minimal time.

There is no limit to the number of configuration sets that can be added to a project. There is however, is a built-in fallback mechanism, so you can never end up with an empty or missing configuration setting. When you first create a project, you typically specify default project settings. When you define a configuration set, you provide settings that overwrite the default project settings. If a configuration set does not contain a specific setting, the default project setting is used instead.

When you deploy a project to a new environment, the ACConfig.xml file requires an entry that matches the exact name of a configuration set. If there is a matching set, that configuration set is used. If there is no corresponding configuration set, the default settings are used and a warning is displayed during publishing and in the log. Configuration sets defined in this way eliminate the need to edit the project.

The default configuration set is stored in the project file. You can create additional configuration sets. Each one is saved in a separate file in the Configuration Sets folder in the project path.

Important If you edit the default configuration set, the corresponding settings in any configuration sets that inherit the default values may be overwritten. If you do edit the default configuration set ensure that any dependent configuration sets are still consistent.

You can manage your project configuration sets in the following ways:

  • Add a new configuration set.

  • Edit a configuration set.

  • Remove a configuration set.

  • Assign a configuration set to a project.