New Project window

This window enables you to create a new standard project.

Project Details

This group has the following options:


Enter a descriptive name for your project.

Project path

Enter the path of your project directory or Browse to the correct location. The value for this option is set to C:\ by default.

Delete existing files

Select this option to delete the contents of the selected root folder if it already has contents. This option is cleared by default.

Full project path

This is a read-only field that shows the full path and name of your project.

Import Training Data for Layout Classification

This group has the following options:

Import path

Type or browse to the path where the layout training documents are located.

Include image files (*.tiff, *.jpg, *.png)

Select this option to include image files in your import for layout classification. This option is selected by default.

Include PDF files (*.pdf)

Select this option to include PDF documents in your import for layout classification. This option is cleared by default.

Import Training Data for Content Classification

This group has the following options:

Import path

Type or browse to the path where the content training documents are located.

Text files (*.txt)

Select this option to include text files in your import for content classification. This option is selected by default.

Include image files (*.tiff, *.jpg, *.png)

Select this option to include image files in your import for content classification. This option is cleared by default.

Include PDF files (*.pdf)

Select this option to include PDF documents in your import for content classification. This option is cleared by default.