Add a multi-field validation rule

Use the same procedure to add a multi-field validation rule for a simple field Project Tree - Field icon or a table field Project Tree - Table Field icon. The Project Tree selection determines the actions available due to the selection behavior.

You can add a multi-field validation rule by following these steps:

  1. Open the Project Tree window if it is not already open.
  2. Expand the Project Tree and select the class where the validation rule is to be located.
  3. Optionally, view the class contents if they are not already displayed.

    The hidden class contents are displayed.

  4. Open the Details window if it is not already open.
  5. On the Ribbon Design tab, from the Create group, click Multi-field Validation Rule Add Multi Validation Rule icon.

    A new multi-field validation rule with an editable name is added to the class hierarchy of the Project Tree. This new validation rule is selected and the Multi-Field Validation Rule Properties are displayed in the Details window.

  6. Optionally, rename your validation rule and press Enter.

    The validation rule name is updated.

  7. Optionally, select the Validation rule works on all rows of this table option if you are validating a table field.

    Selecting this option means that this validation rule is called for each row in the selected table.

  8. Optionally, select the Validation rule makes uncertain extraction results valid option if you want these settings to override a low confidence extraction result.
  9. In the Validation Method group, from the Select list, select the desired multi-field validation method.

    For existing validation methods, a list of fields is displayed in the Field Mapping group so that you can map your class fields to those defined in the validation method.

  10. Optionally, click Configure to add or modify a multi-field script validation method.

    The Project Settings - Validation tab is displayed so you can configure your validation methods. When complete, return to the Details window to continue configuring your validation rule.

  11. For each Field in Method listed in the Field Mapping group, select a class field from the Field in Class list.

    Each field defined in your validation method script is now mapped to a class field.

    Important All mapped class fields need to be visible on your validation form in order for this validation method to work.