Change appendix pages to invoice pages

If some invoice pages are incorrectly shown as appendix pages in Verify, you can change them using the procedure below.

  1. Display the appendix page that is the last invoice page.
  2. Select Invoice > Set as last page.

What happens next depends on whether the new last page is before or after the one that Kofax ReadSoft Invoices incorrectly detected.

If the new last page is before the one that Kofax ReadSoft Invoices detected

  • If there are any single item fields on the last invoice page, Verify updates the field values in the Verifying dialog.
  • If there are any line item fields on any of the new invoice pages that you selected, Verify updates the field values in the Line items dialog.

If the new last page is after the one that Kofax ReadSoft Invoices detected

Related settings in Eilocal.ini: AllPagesAreInvoicePages and AllPagesAreInvoicePagesInterpret (see corresponding topics in INI file help for more information)