Optimize tax tables

Kofax ReadSoft Invoices can interpret tax tables automatically. However, if invoices from a particular supplier have repeated interpretation problems, you can optimize the table in Optimize to improve interpretation.

Note The program only finds tax tables on the page on which they are learned. If the table later occurs on another page of the invoice, Kofax ReadSoft Invoices will not find it. Therefore, learn the table on the page on which it most commonly occurs.

Use the procedure described below, which results in a line item template. Keep your eye on the toolbar above the image. Often the buttons are updated as you proceed through the instructions. However, sometimes you must click the buttons yourself to tell Kofax ReadSoft Invoices what you are about to draw.

  1. Select a tax table in the Data objects box in the Learning dialog. The Line item learning dialog is displayed.
  2. Draw a frame around the boundary of the tax table in the same way you draw a line item boundary.
  3. Draw a frame around the first row in the tax table in the same way that you draw a line item.
  4. Draw frames around each of the tax fields you want to capture in the same way that you draw a line item field. Always ensure that the dropdown box in the toolbar specifies which field you are about to draw.
  5. For each row of data in the table, repeat the previous two steps.
  6. Click the Header button in the toolbar and select whether the header is lines or text. Then draw a frame around the header for the tax table in the same way you draw a line item header.
  7. Optional: Right-click each field in the Line item learning dialog and select Properties to adjust the settings.
  8. Click OK to save the line item template, which is now Learned.