Placeholders in auto-endorse prefix strings: Böwe Bell + Howell scanners

Applies to Böwe Bell + Howell model Copiscan 8080DS and others.

This table lists placeholder and formatting characters that you can use in the Prefix string setting when Auto is selected in the Endorser settings of the Scan job description. If you want a counter to be included in the endorsed string, you must use a placeholder for the counter.

Character Description
% Placeholder for counter. The only position this placeholder is allowed is at the end of the string. Use up to nine % characters, each representing one digit of the counter.
%0T Inserts the time.* Format: hh:mm (17:12)
%1T Inserts the time.* Format: hh:mm:ss (17:12:46)
%2T Inserts the time.* Format: hh:mm am/pm (05:12 pm)
%3T Inserts the time.* Format: hh:mm:ss am/pm (05:12:46 pm)
%0D Inserts the date.* Format: (21.01.2009)
%1D Inserts the date.* Format: (21.01.09)
%2D Inserts the date.* Format: mm/dd/yyyy (01/21/2009)
%3D Inserts the date.* Format: mm/dd/yy (01/21/09)
%% Inserts the % character.

* Date and time refer to when you start the job, not when the page is scanned.

The text portion of an endorser string containing a counter is limited to 22 characters. (That is, you can have 22 characters plus placeholders for the counter.) The length of an endorser string without a counter is limited to 32 characters.

Please refer to the documentation that came with your scanner if you need more information.

Endorser overview