The Process log dialog showing all invoices

To access this dialog: Using Manager, select Administration > Process log.

This dialog shows you the last step performed on each invoice that has entered the system.

You can:

This information is displayed in separate columns for each invoice. You can hide columns that are not used to keep from having to scroll back and forth:

Column heading Description
ID The ID found on the invoice.
Buyer number The buyer number on the invoice.
Definition The ID number of the definition the invoice is connected to.
Supplier The name of the supplier the invoice is connected to.
Supplier number The supplier number on the invoice.
Invoice number The invoice number on the invoice.
Module The module where the most recent action occurred.
Action The most recent action that was performed on the invoice.
Status The invoice's current status.
Endorser The number printed on the invoice by a scanner.
Auto Reads Auto approved if the invoice was approved automatically due to Complete status.
Image file The file name of the image file for the invoice.
Create time The date and time when the invoice was scanned or the image was imported into Interpret.
Delete time The date and time when the invoice was deleted from the system.
Note These actions are recorded in process logs:

These actions are recorded in process logs:

Action Module
Invoice scanned Scan
Invoice interpreted Interpret
Invoice approved Interpret, Verify
Invoice transferred Transfer
Invoice deleted All modules
Invoice status changed (if status was changed due to an error) All modules
Invoice adjusted Verify
Invoice rerouted Verify, Manager
Invoice rejected Verify
Invoice created (during separation) Verify
Page separated Verify

See also: Including supplier identification information for invoices in the process log

  • The recorded dates and times are those for the Kofax ReadSoft Invoices server.
  • Due to a database limitation, there will be empty lines in the process log. Empty lines do not indicate errors.