Configuring Data Filter

Data Filter main configuration window contains the option of activation of the component and the list of filters.

Option Description
Activate Use this combo box to activate the component according to a condition. For more information, see Conditional Activation.
Filters This table displays the list of the filters that will be employed in processing. Each filter receives input data in the form of RRTs from other components or from the preceding filters and generates the result also in the form of RRT. The filters will be applied one after another in order in which they appear in the list. The type of filter and field name are displayed in the table.

The list of filters can contain several filters of the same type. You can move a filter up or down using Up and Down buttons on the right of the table. To add, edit or delete a filter click the Add, Edit or Delete button respectively.

The following filters are available:

Filter Description
Clean Up This filter transforms the input string by replacing all characters that are prohibited from appearing in file names in Windows with a specified string.
Concatenate This filter is intended for joining several RRTs with another RRTs or with text strings.
Contains This filter checks if the input string contains a specified substring.
Ends With This filter checks if the input string ends with a specified suffix.
Equals To This filter checks if the input string equals to a specified string.
Evaluate Expression This filter calculates the value of a given expression.
Format Date This filter converts a string containing date in the system date format into a string containing date in a custom date format.
Format Time This filter converts a string containing time in the system time format into a string containing time in a custom time format.
Lookup in DB This filter retrieves data from a database.
Make Lower Case This filter converts the input string to lower case.
Make Upper Case This filter converts the input string to upper case.
Match Regular Expression This filter checks if the input string contains a substring that matches a specified regular expression.
Parse CSV This filter retrieves the CSV record’s field values from the input string and generates RRT for each field value.
Replace This filter replaces a specified substring within the input string with a given text.
Split This filter splits the input string around specified single-character delimiters and generates RRT for each split parts.
Starts With This filter checks if the input string starts with a specified substring.
Trim This filter removes all leading and trailing white space symbols from the input string.
Validate This filter is intended for validating metadata generated by other filters.

The Field name column contains the name that will be used as the name of the RRT generated by a particular filter. The field name parameter should be configured in the configuration window of a particular filter.

The "Field name" value must be unique for each filter, except for the Validate filter. The Validate filter does not generate field RRT, so the Field name column value will be empty for this filter type.