Unified Client for Konica Minolta device properties

Unified Client for Konica Minolta device properties are configured in the Device Registration Service web console. When configured for a device group, they can be propagated to any device in the group.

These parameters define the device settings. Click the edit Edit button button to edit the parameters for a device. Click the save Save button button to save changes to the parameters or click the cancel button to discard changes.

Option Description

The name of the device or device group that identifies it on the network.


The IP address or DNS address of the device.

This is a device only parameter and will not be displayed when configuring parameters for a device group.

The administrator user name for the Konica Minolta device. The default is "admin".


The administrator password for the Konica Minolta device. The default password is 1234567812345678.


The application that is associated with the device or device group.

Customize Application Name

To change the name of the application as it appears on the device, set to True and enter the names in the application name fields. To use the default application name, set to False.

Application Name

If you set Customize Application Name to True, this field appears where you can enter the application name (up to 32 characters).

Logon Screen

Select Welcome (default) or Logon. If you select Welcome (default), you have options to customize the Welcome screen. If you select Logon, only the logon prompt appears.

Customize Welcome Screen Text

To customize the text that appears on the Welcome screen, set to True. To use the default text, set to False.

Welcome Screen Text

If you set Customize Welcome Screen to True, this field appears where you can enter text to appear on the Welcome screen (up to 255 characters).

Customize Assets

If you want to change the logo and image that appears on the Welcome screen, set to True. To use the default logo and Welcome screen image, select False.

Application Logo

Select one of the files uploaded on the Files tab, Default to use the default logo or image, or None to not use an image.

If the files do not appear in the Application Logo and Welcome Screen Image field, make sure you have uploaded them as shown in step 4 and that they meet the requirements listed in this section.

Welcome Screen Image
Card Reader Type

Select the card reader attached to the device. Note the following:

  • For OmniKey, additional options are available to use the reader in CCID and wedge modes.

  • YSoft readers are only supported in CCID mode, and they only deliver data in hex or converted to decimal. Wedge mode is not available.

  • If you select Custom, enter the PID and VID. The card reader will be supported in keyboard wedge mode only.

  • All other card readers are in wedge mode.

For the IP address, you can enter IPv4 or IPv6 addresses depending on the configuration of your system. If you enter an IPv6 address, brackets ([ ]) are automatically added to it if missing when you exit from the field.