Register a Dropbox App for Token Vault

This topic describes the first configuration task in the process of setting up an AutoStore workflow using modern authentication.

Perform this task at the Dropbox App Console.

  1. Navigate to open the Dropbox App Console.
  2. Log in with your Dropbox account.
  3. Select an existing app or click CREATE APP to create a new one.
  4. The Create a new app on the DBX Platform page opens. Fill out the app registration information:
    • Choose an API: Scoped access.
    • Select Full Dropbox type of access.
    • Name your app.
  5. Click Create App. Wait for the project to be created and the app details page opened.
  6. Do the following on the Settings screen:
    • Enter the URI corresponding to your Token Vault configuration into the Redirect URIs list in the following format ‘https://<FQDN>:<port>/callback’ where:

      • FQDN is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Token Vault machine.
      • port is the value of HttpsPort setting in the Token Vault appsettings.json configuration file. For example, This URI must be the same as the Redirect URI displayed by Token Vault on the Authorization Provider registration page.
    • It is recommended to select Short-lived as the Access token expiration. Tokens without expiration are less secure and may be deprecated in the future.
  7. Copy the App key and the App secret values to use later in the Token Vault configuration.
    If your app will link more than 50 Dropbox users, you have to apply for and receive production status approval. For more details, please click the Apply for production button and follow its instructions.
  8. Navigate to the Permissions tab and select the following scopes:
    • files.metadata.write
    • files.content.write
    • sharing.write