Search for locked and unlocked Items

  1. On the Home page, click System Settings > Lock Status Search.

    The Lock Status Search page appears.

  2. To search for an item based on the name:
    1. In the Item Name box, enter the item name.
    2. Select the search criteria (such as type and locked status) and click Search.

      A list of items for the selected item type and locked status appears.

  3. To search for items by item type:
    1. On the Type list, select the type of item. The available item types are: Business Process, Form, Skin, Extraction Group, Folder Type, Classification Group, Document Variant, Form Variant, and Form Template.
    2. For Locked Status, select one of the following options:
      • All (Default): Searches for all items regardless of status.

      • Locked: Searches for locked items.

      • Unlocked: Searches for unlocked items.

    3. Click Search.

      A list of items for the selected item type and locked status appears.

  4. To search for items locked by a resource:
    1. For Locked Status, select Locked.
    2. Consume the resource in the Locked By box.
    3. Click Search.

      A list of all items locked by the selected resource appears.

  5. To search for all locked items:
    1. On the Type list, select All.
    2. For the Locked Status, select Locked.
      Note To search for all unlocked items, select Unlocked for Locked Status.
    3. Click Search. A list of all locked items appears.

Unlock an item

You can unlock items locked by other resources.

Only administrators with appropriate privileges can unlock certain items.

When you unlock an item that is not currently being modified, the item is unlocked and can be locked by other resources.

When you unlock an item that is currently being modified by another resource, the item is unlocked and can be locked by other resources. However, when the resource who is modifying the item selects to save it, a message appears informing him/her that someone else has modified the item, and confirming if he/she would want to overwrite the changes.

  1. On the list of search result, select the items to unlock.
  2. Click Unlock Unlock.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the action.