Properties of a Calendar

See Basic Controls.


Allow the control to be enabled at runtime.

Read Only

Make the calendar read only.


By default, the control ID appears as the name of the control. Change the ID to make the control easier to identify during mapping.


Use a tooltip to add supplementary information about the calendar.


Choose whether the control state should be hidden, optional or mandatory. (Default: optional)

Security Token

Use security tokens to make the form more secure. See Security tokens.

Show Label

Show label for the calendar.

Min Date and Max Date

Specify the maximum and minimum values that a user can enter for a date.

For example, if you only want students who are below a certain age to apply for an Online Certification exam, set a minimum date in the calendar for the Date of Birth field. When completing the form, the user can only submit the form if their age is within the limit set.

Note Maximum date is mandatory for touch forms else it sets the current date as Maximum date. For example, if you set the minimum date as 2030 and leave the maximum date as blank, the form displays dates from 2030 to 2016. If you do not set the maximum date and release the form, a message appears reminding you to enter the maximum date.
Value When Empty

By default, the calendar is empty. Specify a default date to be used by a .NET Method, Web Service, or DB Query action at runtime if the calendar is left empty.

Allow Nulls

Click Yes to allow a null date.

Error Message

Specify a message to be displayed at runtime when a mandatory calendar field remains blank. For example, if the user did not enter the date of birth, set up a message that says, "Enter your date of birth."

Hint Text

Use this property to hint the user to enter a value in the input field. The hint text appears before the user enters a value. When you click on the control, the hint text disappears.

  • The hint text only appears if the control does not have a value, default value or focus.

  • If you import a form which is created before the 7.1 version of TotalAgility, the hint text appears empty. But if you import a form which is created in versions later than 7.1, the hint text property will retain its value, if set.

Ignore Server Time Zone Conversion

  • If set to True, and if client uses the calendar control in a server side form action, the date entered is sent to server instead of timezone converted date.

    If client wants to populate the calendar controls value using the server side form action, whatever the date client receives, it removes the server’s timezone added to it.

  • If set to False, the calendar control applies timezone conversions from client to server.


Configure the design properties. See Configure the design of a control.