Data module

Use the Data module to create data for reuse across your processes and forms, lookups, entities, work types, checklist templates, folder types, extraction groups, and classification groups. Also use the Data module to manage server variables and checklist items.

  • A lookup is a list of items that you reuse across your processes or forms. Create data items and translate them into different languages.

  • Entities are business data objects that help to manage data. Use entities as input to processes, and store entities as output from processes.

  • Work Types are personal task lists used by staff to display, manage and execute their work tasks.

  • Server variables are global variables that any business process or case fragment can use. When you change a server variable in one job, the modified value is reflected across all jobs that use the variable.

  • A checklist is a list of items that assist in building quality sampling and checking into a form.

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