Create global variables

  1. On the Home page, click Form Designer > Global Variables.
  2. In the Category box, consume the required category.
  3. Enter a Name and Description (optional) for a global variable.
  4. In the Value box, enter a value for the variable.
  5. Click Yes to Secure the variable (default: No).

    Note the following:

    • When you use a secure variable in a form action, the value appears encrypted at runtime; in subsequent form actions, the decrypted value is used in the server.
    • A secure global variable can only be updated through server side actions. If you try to update the value of a secure variable from the client side actions, such as Same Page, the value gets corrupted.
    • You cannot use a secure global variable in a custom form.
    • You can only use a secure global variable to the Session ID property of an advanced form control, such as Work Queue, JobList, and Web Capture. You cannot map a secure variable to the other properties of advanced controls.

    • You cannot assign a secure global variable as document variant to the control.

  6. To allow the variable to be included in the .resx file used for translation, click Yes for Localizable.
  7. Click Add Add.

    The global variable is created and listed in the table.