Create a document Variable

  1. Open the process.
  2. On the Modeling bar, click Variables.

    The Variables page appears.

  3. Enter a Name and ID for the variable.
  4. On the Type list, select Document.
  5. Consume a document type in the Value box.

    This XML document contains a reference to the document type. For example, a "Customer Invoice" document type variable can have a document type of "Invoice"; at runtime it contains the instance ID of the actual document.

  6. Click Yes to use the variable for Process Initialization.
  7. Click Add Add.
    Note If you assign a value to a document variable at design time, all field groups defined within that document type including the System field group and any inherited field groups are available for consuming in the process. Upon selecting a field group, all fields within that group are available; upon selecting a custom field, the System properties for the field are also available.

    However, if you do not assign any value to the document variable at design time, (leave the Value field empty), only the System field group and System fields are available for consuming in a process.