Import processes

You can import process maps between different TotalAgility installation. For example, you may need to import process maps from a development server onto a production server.

Importing a process map is subject to the following:

  • You can only import an unlocked map unless the map is locked by the user performing the import.

  • You can only import a higher version process than the process version available on the system. You cannot import a lower version process than the version available on the system.

  • When you import a map from an older version into Kofax TotalAgility 7.4.0 and the hashing algorithm has been set to Scrypt (System Settings > Settings > General), the resources with passwords will fail to logon to TotalAgility as the passwords can no longer be decrypted. To logon, the password for each resource must be reset by the administrator.

  • When importing packages simultaneously on a split Kofax TotalAgility Web Application deployment, a maximum of 100 concurrent connections from the Web server to the Application server is configured by default. To change this:

    1. In Agility.Server.StreamingService.exe.config available in the same folder where the Streaming service exe resides, locate the following:

            <add address="*" maxconnection="100" />

    2. Update the maxconnection value.

  1. On the Home page, click Process Designer > Import Processes.

    The Import Processes page appears.

  2. Click Browse and select the ZIP file to import.
  3. Click Open.
  4. The following table lists the items that are automatically imported.

    Functional access

    Default usable resources

    Workflow rules

    Thread pools

    Web services

    • The category of the web service is imported and created if not already existing.

    • If the web service being imported has the same ID as the existing web service, the imported web service is used.

    Note You can import web services manually or separately.

    Business rules


    Including the following capture activities:
    • Extraction

    • Classification

    • PDF Generation

    • Online Learning

    • Scan

    • Validation

    • Verification

    • Document Review

    Work types


    If existing roles are being imported for a new version of an existing process map, you can choose to overwrite roles.

    Checklist templates

    • If a template with the same name exists, and
      • If you select to overwrite the item, all the elements of the existing template are replaced with the elements of the imported template.

      • If you do not select to overwrite the existing checklist templates, all the elements of the imported template are added to the existing templates.

    • If a template with the same name does not exist, the imported template is added as a new template.


    • If an existing entity has the same name as the entity being imported, you can choose to overwrite it.

    • If the entity contains multilingual lookups, all the content for the lookup is imported with the entity.


    If an existing lookup has the same name as the lookup being imported, you can choose to overwrite it.


    When importing a capture-enabled process map, the associated profiles are imported, even if they do not exist in the system.

    .NET dlls

    Thread pools

    If a thread pool being imported has the same ID as the existing thread pool, the imported thread pool is used.


    • If the server variables being imported already exist on the importing machine, they are not overwritten.

    • If process variables on the imported process map exist as server variables on the server with only difference of type, Clashing variables occur. A warning identifies the process variables that pose a problem during import.

    • Importing a capture-enabled process, also imports any document type or folder type variables configured as initialization variables.

    Checklist items If you import a process map that has a checklist item with the same name as one on the importing machine, the existing checklist item is overwritten. Otherwise the imported item is added as a new item.
    • Classification group
    • Extraction groups associated with classification group
    • Document types associated with extraction group
    • The classification group, extraction group and document types of a process are imported even if they do not exist on the system.

    • By default, the classification group, extraction group, document types are imported to the Default category. To import the classification group, extraction group and document types to the specified category, set the Category as Yes.

    • In Kofax TotalAgility Azure and On-Premise Multi Tenancy system, the maximum limit of the extraction and classification group is set to 500MB. When you exceed this limit, a message is displayed stating that the action cannot complete. To configure this limit, update the value for MaxCaptureProjectSize in the Web.config file of TotalAgility Azure.

    • In Kofax TotalAgility On-Premise, the maximum limit of the extraction and classification group is set to 2GB. When you exceed this limit, a message is displayed stating that the action cannot complete.

    Predictive Model
    • If a predictive model is defined, the weighting and score calculation for the process are included in the selected version of the imported process.

    • If Available Evaluate Score and/or Completed Evaluate Score are configured for an activity, the properties are also imported for the selected process version.

    Business Rules

    If an existing business rule has the same GUID as the business rule being imported, you can choose to overwrite it.

    Note The GUID is a globally unique identifier associated with each business rule to help distinguish it from other business rules with the same name. So, while you can have two or more business rules with the same name, no two business rules can have the same GUID.

  5. Select other options as required, using the following information.


    Imports categories saved with the process map.

    Note This option is only available if categories were exported with the process map being imported.


    Imports any resources saved with the process map.

    • If an existing worker resource has the same UserID or ResourceID as the resource being imported, the existing resource is used by the imported process map.

    • If a non-worker resource or a category exists with the same name and type or ResourceID as the resource being imported, the existing resource is used by the imported process map.

    • If you import a resource without an active email ID, and the Unique Email Enforcement option is set Yes in the system settings module, then an error message is displayed.

    Group Resource Members

    Includes details of the members of any resource groups.

    Note This option is only enabled if Resources is set to Yes.

    Connector Mappings

    Imports all the export connector mappings.

    Note Ensure all the export connectors are installed on the target machine; otherwise, an error occurs and the process is not imported.

  6. To overwrite existing work types, roles, checklist templates, entities, lookups, profiles (Scan/VRS, PDF Generation and Separation), page renditions, and reporting tags, ensure Yes is selected for the relevant options.

    Note When importing a process by selecting to overwrite page renditions, the existing setting is overwritten by the setting included in the process. For example, the target machine has Rendition 1 and Rendition 2 and the process has Rendition A and Rendition B. When you select to overwrite, Rendition A and Rendition B are retained in the target machine.

    When importing a process, if you select not to overwrite a setting, the existing setting is retained. For example, the target machine has Rendition 1 and Rendition 2 and the process has Rendition A and Rendition B. When you select not to overwrite, Rendition 1 and Rendition 2 are retained in the target machine.

  7. When a message confirms that the selected maps were imported, click OK.

    If any errors or warnings occurred, the information appears. If any variables or variable types clash, or if the required Web Services are unavailable, you can view the details of the error.

    Note If an error exists, you cannot import the map until you fix the error. If warnings occur, you can still import the map.