
Base Image URL

Location other than the default location from where the system picks up the images.

By default, the images are available in the Images folder in TotalAgility.

Note When you add an Image control to a form, the system picks the images from the base image URL set in system settings.

Image Refresh Duration

An interval to refresh a downloaded image from the database. (Default: 120 minutes)

Note Images and custom pages are stored as assets within TotalAgility and can be used in forms. When you load a form that uses a custom image or page for the first time, the item is downloaded from the database. On subsequent visits, when a form is requested that uses an image or page from the database, the forms server checks if the image or page has already been downloaded and verifies if the last modified date is greater than the current datetime plus the duration. If yes, the latest image or page is downloaded from the database refreshing the image.

Any updated image or page is then shown on a form until the duration has passed.

Custom Page Refresh Duration

An interval to refresh a downloaded page from the database. (Default: 120 minutes)

Use Form Cache, Use Document Form Cache and Use Folder Form Cache

By default, the cache settings are on and the forms are cached on the client side browser for faster loading performance. Only the most frequently accessed forms are stored in each cache. When the form is reloaded, it is retrieved from the cache and the content is refreshed.

Note On upgrading TotalAgility, the form caching retains the original setting configured in the previous version. However, we recommend that you enable caching of forms if the same forms are going to be used repeatedly. This improves performance.

The cache size determines the maximum number of each form type to be cached on the client side browser. As the cache size increase, more memory is used on the client machine. When the number of forms exceeds the maximum number, the least requested form is removed from the cache to add the latest.

  • Use Form Cache: Only applies to Desktop forms.

  • Use Document Form Cache and Use Folder Cache:

    • Improves performance when navigating to a document or folder with a type that has already been visited during the session.

    • Improves performance when changing a document or folder type to one that has already been visited during the session.

Preserve OCR Data on Rotate
Enables rotating a page without losing OCR data and field data associated with the page.
Width Mode

Set the width mode for a form as Percentage (default) or Fixed. When you create a new form or form template, or automatically generate a form, the width mode of the form defaults to this system setting.

The custom forms in TotalAgility Workspace are also displayed in percentage or fixed width mode according to this setting. If you change this setting from fixed to percentage or vice-versa, you must delete the deployed forms and restart the IIS to reflect the changes in the Workspace custom forms.

Note After you upgrade TotalAgility, the default width mode of the form is set to "Fixed".

Take Activity Form

Contains the following options.

Allow Save

Displays the Save button at runtime when you take the activity. You can use the Save button to save the activity changes to your work queue at runtime.

Allow Complete and Next

Displays the Complete and Next button at runtime when you take the activity. You can use this button to complete the current activity and take the next activity from your work queue.

Note The Allow Save and Allow Complete and Next options are only available for the generic take activity forms that are system generated.
End of Activity Behavior when Valid

Sets a global default end of activity behavior for all users without requiring each user to manually set the defaults. You can set these options each for Document Review, Validation and Verification activities.

Show Activity Settings

Show or hide the Activity Settings dialog box button on the form.

End of Activity

Contains the following three options.

  • Keep the activity open (requires the activity to be completed).

  • Prompt me before automatically completing the activity.

  • Automatically complete the activity without prompting me.

Scan Forms - File Upload

Disables the file upload settings in the TotalAgility Designer to avoid the need to manually modify the Web configuration file (Web.config).

Maximum Binary Chunk Size

Determines the maximum size when a single page of an image or imported file is sent to the server from the scan form.

If the page is smaller than the chunk size, the complete page is sent; otherwise, the page is split into chunks. (Default: 10240 Kilobytes)

Maximum Number of Upload Requests

Sets the number of concurrent upload requests.

The chunked image upload is slower than whole image upload with the same number of concurrent upload requests. Increasing the number of upload requests increases performance. (Default: 2, Minimum: 1 and Maximum: 2147483647)

Note You can configure the Maximum Binary Chunk Size and Maximum Number of Upload Requests settings on a per tenant basis.
Set Kofax VRS Elite Profile from Scan/VRS Profile Name

By default, sets the VRS Elite profile based on the assigned TotalAgility Scan/VRS Profile in the Scan Client, so that you need not rely on scan operators to select the correct VRS Elite Profile. This setting only applies to Scan Create New Job and Scan activity forms and does not apply to Web Capture forms.

  • When you create a TotalAgility Scan/VRS profile with some name on the server and create Kofax VRS Elite profile with the same name on client machine, and configure the Scan Client to work with created Scan/VRS profile, specific VRS Elite scanner profile loads automatically. That is, when the operator begins using the Scan Client scan with VRS Elite scan source and selects the Scan/VRS profile with matching name, Kofax VRS Elite will use corresponding VRS Elite profile during scan. The connection between the profiles are only names. The settings from the Kofax Scan/VRS profile are not applied to VRS Elite profiles.

  • When you upgrade from previous versions of TotalAgility, this setting is No by default.

  • If corresponding VRS Profile does not exist or there is an error selecting this profile, the Scan Client ignores this and continues scanning without setting VRS Elite profile.

    If VRS Elite profile was already selected, this profile remains selected even if you select another Scan/VRS profile which does not have a corresponding VRS Elite profile.

See Configure the forms settings.