Import business targets

You can import business targets between different installations and versions of Kofax TotalAgility. For example, you may need to import targets from a development server onto a production server. When you upgrade the version of Kofax TotalAgility on your system, the business targets are automatically upgraded to the current version.

Note You can import a single target or multiple targets. All targets are imported in XML format. You can import multiple targets at a go by selecting the zipped file having the required targets.
  1. On the Home page, click Business Monitoring > Import Targets.
  2. If the imported business target has the same name as the existing target, select Overwrite Existing Business Targets to overwrite the existing target.
  3. On the Import Business Targets page, click Browse and select single target or multiple business targets, as required.
    Note You can only import single targets as XML files, and multiple targets as zip files. To import a single target from a zipped file, extract the zipped file and then import the required target as an XML file.
  4. Click Open to import business targets .

    Note the following:

    • If the business target does not exist, Kofax TotalAgility creates it.

    • If a business target with the same name exists, and you select not to overwrite the existing business target, the target remains as is. Otherwise, Kofax TotalAgility overwrites the existing targets.

  5. Click OK.

    A message indicates whether the import succeeded.

  6. Click OK.