Properties of a Tab

See Basic controls.


By default, the control ID appears as the name of the control. Change the ID to make the control easier to identify during mapping.


Use tooltips to provide supplemental information about the control.

Security Token

Use security tokens to make the form more secure. See Security tokens.


Choose whether the control be visible at runtime. (Default: Yes)

Tab Orientation

Set tabs to appear at the top or bottom of the control.


To configure design properties, see. See Configure the design of a control.


Define a default style for the tab by setting a Theme or Class.


Define a hover style for the tab by setting the Theme or Class.


Define a style for the selected tab by setting the Theme or Class.

Content Style

Define a content style for the tab by setting the Theme or Class.

Header/Footer Style

Define a header/footer style for the tab by setting the Theme or Class.