Configure the condition text for a decision

Specify text that describes the condition that the decision must satisfy to allow the process to flow.

  1. Select the decision to associate with the condition text.
  2. On the Properties bar, click Settings Extended Properties.
  3. On the Extended Properties page, click the Condition Text tab.
  4. The rule validation for string values are case-sensitive by default. To allow string values not to be case-sensitive, click No for Case Sensitive.
  5. Consume the variables or type in the variable ID in the given box.
  6. Complete the condition, such as [Credit Approved?] = True.
    • TotalAgility supports the following operands/keywords for decision:

      + - * / < > = >= <= <> AND OR != && || true false TRUE FALSE

    • When using a date variable as string in a decision node, the date must be in the ISO format {YYYY-MM-DD} enclosed in double quotation marks, such as "2016-04-25" or a valid date based on the locale of the server.

    • You can reuse the condition text by copying and pasting it in another decision node.

    • You can use "null" check in condition text. For example, [nullstr] = null and [nulldate] = null. You cannot use "Null" or "NULL".

  7. Click Validate to check if the condition is valid.

    A message indicates whether the syntax is valid.

  8. Click Close to close the message.
  9. Click Save.