Associate a work type with a map

If you have read access to work types and access to the category in which a work type resides, you can associate a work type with a process map, a case map, or a case fragment map.

Associating a work type with a map creates process variables for each field in the work type.

Once you associate a case map with a work type, all fields in the work type are available as case variables for the map.

Case fragments do not have their own work types; they inherit work types from the case. If you select the Scope option for a work type field, the field becomes available as a case variable for all case fragments in an associated case. At runtime, these variables retain the values defined for each case fragment.

  1. Open the process or case map to associate with a work type.
  2. On the Properties bar, click Settings Extended Properties.
  3. On the General tab, consume the Work Type.
  4. Click Save.