Manage document templates

  1. On the Home page, click Data > Document Templates.
  2. On the Category list, select a category in which to save the document template.

    By default, the Category list shows your working category and displays all the document templates that are currently stored in the database for that category.

  3. Optionally, enter a Description for the template.
  4. To upload a document template from your machine, click Browse and select the document template to upload.
  5. Click Add generic add to upload the template and list it in the table.

Maintain document templates

  • To replace a document template:

    1. On the Category Filter list, select a category that contains the template to replace.

    2. From the list, select the document template.

    3. Select a different category or change the description as needed.

    4. Click Update generic update.

  • To delete a document template:

    1. On the Category Filter list, select the category that contains the template to remove.

    2. From the list, click Delete generic delete for the document template to delete.

    3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.