Manage Account Settings

  1. On the Home page, click System Settings > Settings.
  2. Click the Account Settings tab.
  3. Consume the Reset Password Notification Process to reset the password when a user forgets the password and requests a reset. By default, TotalAgility provides the System Reset Password map that sends an email to the user's email address to reset password.
  4. Click the Force All Users To Change Password on Next Logon link to force all users to change the password on the next logon due to a security breach or change in the password format.
  5. In the Multifactor Authentication Internal Users group, configure the multifactor authentication for internal users and also specify how long the passcode and cookie remain active:
    1. Click Yes for Use Multifactor Authentication (Default: No).
    2. Set the Passcode Active Interval period in minutes within which the user should be authenticated after the initial passcode is sent to the user. (Default: 30 minutes)
    3. Set the Cookie Expiry Interval period in days/hours/minutes so that the expiry time is calculated from the (initial) passcode activation. (Default: 30 days)
    4. Set the Expiry Mode (Default: Absolute):
      • Absolute: Calculates the expiry time from the (initial) passcode activation. Subsequent logons do not update the expiry time. When the expiry time is reached, the user is required to perform passcode authentication. (Default: 30 days)

      • Sliding: On subsequent successful logons, updates the expiry value by adding the cookie expiry duration.

    5. Consume the Group in which the user is a member. (Default: Everyone)
      Note This option is not available for external users.
    6. Consume a Notification Process. By default the System Passcode Notification map is used which contains an email node that sends an email to the resource with descriptive text and a randomly generated passcode.
      Note You must define initialization parameters (of String type) for this map in the following order: resourceid, passcode.
  6. Similarly, in the Multifactor Authentication External Users group, configure the multifactor authentication settings for the external users.

    Note the following:

    • When you log on to TotalAgility as an internal or external user and the Use Multifactor Authentication option is set to No, the logon proceeds as normal.

    • When you log on to TotalAgility as an internal user but you are not a member of the group configured for Internal Resources, and the Use Multifactor Authentication option is set to Yes, the logon proceeds as normal.

    • When you log on to TotalAgility as an internal user or an external user with valid credentials, and if no cookies are detected or the cookie has expired and the Use Multifactor Authentication option is set to Yes, the Verify Passcode page appears. On the Verify Passcode page, enter the passcode details sent to you through email. Once you submit the details, a cookie with an expiry interval is added to the system, and you can log on.

  7. In the Account Lockout Policy group, do the following:
    1. Set the Maximum Number of Logon Attempts that determines the number of failed logon attempts after which a user account must be locked. A locked-out account can only be used again if it is reset by an administrator or if the lockout duration for the account has expired. You can set a value of failed logon attempts between 0 and 999. A value of 0 indicates that the account cannot be locked. (Default: 0)
    2. Set the Account Lockout Duration that determines the number of minutes an account remains locked before automatically gets unlocked. The account lockout duration can range from 0 minutes through 99,999 minutes. A value of 0 indicates that the account will remain locked out until an administrator explicitly unlocks it. (Default: 30 minutes)
  8. In the Logon State Associated Form group, consume a form, or type in a form name or URL for a state.

    When you log on, the form opens, depending on the state.

  9. Click Save.

    Note If you try to log on to an account that is locked and inactive (outside of an active period), a message appears.