Global variables

You can define frequently used variables as global variables for use across several forms. For example, if you need to frequently interact with the TotalAgility database, you can create a global variable with DSN=TotalAgility, as its value. The same variable can be used in different forms to interact with the TotalAgility database.

See Create global variables.

Whenever you change the value of the variable, the change is applied across all forms that use the variable. If you provide a value to a global variable, that value is used as the default value, which you can change at runtime.

You can include a global variable in the .resx file used for translation.

Note The .resx file format stores information as XML entries, which specify objects and strings inside XML tags.

TotalAgility provides the following default global variables:

  • Case reference: Case reference

  • Job identifier: Job ID

  • Process identifier: Process ID

  • Process version: Process version

  • Resource ID of currently logged-on user

  • Name of currently logged-on user

  • Session ID of currently logged-on user