Translate a site element into supported languages

Translate form items such as radio buttons, text fields, check boxes, and column headings into one or more languages. You can also translate the customized column heading set within the Work Queue and Job List controls.

Note On Windows, the Microsoft Virtual keyboard is disabled when using a text box in password mode.

When you view a form at runtime, the site elements are displayed in the correct language when your browser is set to a different locale either through browser settings or through the Language Selector control. If translations are not available for the browser language then the site elements are displayed in the base language.

Note If upgrading from previous version, manually save and release the form to make the Work Queue and Job List column headings available for translation.

  1. On the Home page, click Form Designer > Translation.
  2. On the Form Designer Explorer, click the site element to translate, such as Forms.
  3. On the list of items, select the item to translate, such as Form1.

    All attributes for the selected item appear in the language the item was created in.

    All the elements appear, even if they are hidden at runtime. For example, the following attributes are listed for an entity:

    • Static data such as control names and error messages.

    • Context-sensitive text unique to the selected entity fields (such as Name and Description) appears only at runtime.

  4. Click Select Languages.

    The Languages page appears.

  5. Select the languages for translation. To select all languages, select the Select All check box.
  6. Click Close.

    One column is created for each selected language.

  7. Enter the equivalent term for each attribute in the columns for the supported languages.
  8. Click Save.

    Resource files for translation are generated, and you can view the item as it would appear in the supported languages at runtime.