Configure a Document Creation activity

  1. Add a Document Creation activity to the map. See Add an activity.
  2. On the Extended Properties page of the Document Creation activity, click the Configuration tab.
  3. Click Yes for Locate Document Template From Store to consume an existing template. Default: No. If you select No, you can enter the path/URL or consume a variable.
  4. To specify the template for creating the document, do one of the following in the Document Template Name box:
    1. To provide a static value, click the Static button and enter the required value, such as C:\Templates\Mytemplate.dotx.
    2. To provide a dynamic value, consume the appropriate variable. The variable used for the template document must have a predefined value, which can be a location within the same computer ( C:\Templates\Mytemplate.dotx); on a different computer within the same domain ( \\\Templates\MySite.dotx); or a URL. At runtime, if you try to provide a location other than the one specified at design time, the job is suspended.

      All placeholders within the template appear in the Template Placeholders list.

    3. Enter or consume the values for placeholders. At runtime, the placeholders in the document are replaced with the values and the document is generated.
  5. Do either of the following:
    • To save the document to a specific location, click Static Static and enter the path (such as D:\Documents) in the Document Save Location box.

    • To save the document in the repository, consume a document variable in the Document Save Location box and consume the folder variable in the Folder box.

  6. Click either of the following:
    • To create a Word document:

      1. Ensure that Document is selected for Format.

      2. Specify a static or dynamic value in the Name box.

        Note You can use only a String variable or an XML Expression of any return type.

      3. If a document already exists with the same name, then overwrite the existing document by selecting Yes for Overwrite Existing Document. Otherwise, the job is suspended at runtime.

      4. At runtime, once the job is complete, the new Word document is automatically saved at the specified location or repository. If you save it in the repository, an instance ID is populated in the mapped document variable. You can use the instance ID in other capture activities.

    • To create an HTML file based on the specified template, save it to a variable:

      1. Click HTML for Format.

      2. Consume the variable in the Output box.

        Note Use either a String variable, or an XML Expression of any return type.

      3. At runtime, once the job is complete, the new HTML page is automatically saved to this variable.

      4. Map the variables from the process map to the corresponding placeholders in a template using either a static or dynamic value. You can also map the document set properties to the document fields.

  7. Click Save.