DB Query to add records to a table

  1. On the DB Query Action page of a form, or on the Extended Properties page of a Data Access activity, click Configure.
    The Database Query page appears.
    Note By default, Tables is selected and all tables within the selected database are available on the Table list.
  2. On the Table list, select the table to add records for. All columns within the selected table appear.
  3. For Record, click Add.
  4. On the All Columns list, select the columns to add records to, such as ContactName, Address, and Phone.
  5. Map the values to the selected columns.
  6. To insert multiple records in a table at runtime:
    Note In the Extended Properties page of the Table control > Advanced tab, ensure the Add and Multi-Select table properties are set to Yes.
    1. On the Database Query page, select the Perform Multiple Inserts check box.
    2. Select either option:
      • Insert All Rows: Inserts all rows for the selected columns.

      • Insert Selected Rows: Inserts selected rows for the selected columns.

    3. For information on selection criteria and the DB query outcome, see Insert multiple records into a database.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Close.