Link TotalAgility to TRIM System


  1. On the Home page, click Integration > TRIM.

    The TRIM page appears.

  2. Click Add Add for Sites.

    The TRIM Site Configuration page on which to add attributes to the new TRIM system appears.

  3. Enter a Name to help you identify the TRIM System with which to communicate. For example, the name, London Server indicates that this link connects to the TRIM System on the London Server.
  4. In the Web Service URL box, enter the location of the TotalAgility Web Service that is installed on the TRIM System. For example, http://TRIMSystem/TRIMIntegrationWS/TRIMIntegrationWs.asmx.

    The TotalAgility Web Service installed on the TRIM system helps TotalAgility communicate with TRIM.

  5. In the Fileplan Shortcut box, enter the shortcut to the file plan location in the TRIM system in which to add folders and files. For example, Accommodation - Domestic - General.
  6. Enter the DataSet ID, such as 45, of the TRIM system data set to use.
  7. Click Configure Events to configure any events to be performed in TotalAgility. See Configure the TotalAgility actions resulting from the TRIM events for more information.