Link the TotalAgility servers

  1. On the Home page, click Integration > Linked Servers.

    The Linked Servers page appears.

  2. Click Add genericadd for Linked Servers.

    The Linked Server Configuration page appears.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the integration site. The system identifies the linked server with this name.
  4. In the Current Server group, do the following:
    1. Enter the URL for the Current (Web) server.
    2. Enter the Username and Password for the Kofax TotalAgility user on the server.

      Note On upgrading TotalAgility to 7.5.0, if any License Server configuration exists, you must reconfigure the current server and target server URLs to point to the Web Server.

  5. In the Target Server group, do the following:
    1. Enter a URL for the Target (Web) server. For example, http://<servername>/TotalAgility.
      Note The URL can target an on-premise, on-premise multi-tenancy or Azure server.
    2. Enter the Username and Password of the Kofax TotalAgility user on the target server.
  6. To validate the target server details and transfer documents from the current to the target server, click Yes for OneWay.

    If set to No, the current server is validated from the remote server and documents are transferred from the current to the target server and vice-versa.

  7. To send statistics and KPI data to the target server, click Yes for Send Reporting Data. If you change this setting, you need to restart the Reporting Server Service.
    Note TotalAgility uses Kofax Reporting to collect and report statistics and KPI data across disparate TotalAgility sites. The reports are generated from a single reporting database where data across all TotalAgility sites resides.
  8. To authenticate the user name and password stored in the Kofax TotalAgility Linked server against the Windows authentication on the target server, click Yes for Authenticate against Windows. (Default: No. This means the user is only authenticated against TotalAgility when moving document between the servers.)
    Note If the authentication fails, the job is suspended.
  9. Click Save.

    If the URL is incorrect or the user credentials are invalid, a message appears.

    Note To connect TotalAgility from a public IP Address, configure web.config. See the Kofax TotalAgility Installation Guide for more information.

Maintaining a linked server

To update a linked server:

  1. On the Home page, click Integration > Linked Servers.

  2. Double-click the linked server to update. The Linked Server Configuration page appears.

  3. On the Linked Server configuration page, make your changes, for example, replace the target server URL or change the user credentials.

  4. Click OK.

To delete a linked server:

  1. On the Home page, click Integration > Linked Servers.

  2. From the list of linked servers, click Delete generic delete for the link server to delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm.