Style your forms

You can style your forms to suit your business requirements. You can style all controls using a CSS, or style each control on a form.

For example, you can set the hover color on a button, change the background color on a table header, change the color of the little dot inside of the radio button, or change the background color of the drop-down list and the date picker.

Change the style for your forms

Change the style for your form by first uploading a CSS file to use as the basis of your theme, configuring the theme to use the style sheet and then setting the default font and background styles for your form.

Upload a CSS file

Upload a CSS file to use as the basis for the theme.

  1. In the Forms Designer of TotalAgility, select Manage > Style Sheets.
  2. Consume a CSS file from your uploaded CSS files.

    You can set your base theme to use for Desktop and touch-enabled forms.

    • By default, the TotalAgilityWorkspace theme is applied to all forms. However, you can select one of the built-in Sencha ExtJS themes to be your custom theme.

    • The TotalAgility workspace is designed to work best with the default theme. If changing to a different theme, you may need to do some configuration.

Configure the theme for your form

The TotalAgility Workspace is designed to work best with the default theme. If changing to a different theme, you may need to do some configuration.

Open Form Designer > Theme

Style form - theme

  1. By default, the TotalAgilityWorkspace theme is applied to all forms. However, you can select one of the built-in Sencha ExtJS themes to be your custom theme for Desktop and touch-enabled forms.
  2. Set the default font and background styles for your form.
    1. Click Yes for Override Font/Background.
    2. Set the font and background.
  3. Consume a style sheet to use for your forms.
  4. Save the theme.

Change the style for basic controls

Set the default style for all controls of a type within your form.

Add a style to your style sheet

Add a style to your style sheet. For example, add the following style for a button control in TotalAgilityWorkspace.css.

.BlueButtonStyle {
color: white;
background-color: #007ACC;

Once the style is added to the preferred style sheet, you can upload the style sheet to TotalAgility.

Upload the style sheet to TotalAgility

  1. In the Form Designer, under Manage, select Style Sheets.
  2. Click Browse for Style Sheet, and select the style sheet where you have added the new style.
  3. Click “+” to add this file to TotalAgility.

    Note You may be prompted to overwrite the existing file.

    Once the style sheet is added to TotalAgility, you can use it in your theme.

Use the style sheet

  1. On the Form Designer Explorer, select Themes.
  2. On the list of themes, select the theme where you want to use the updated style sheet.
  3. On the General tab of theme properties, consume the style sheet in the Style Sheet field.
  4. On the CSS tab of theme properties, in the Buttons group, on the Standard list, select the newly added style.

    The Standard list contains all the possible style classes that can be used in your form from the consumed style sheet.

    Control Style

    Once the style is selected, all buttons will use this new CSS class as the default theme style.

    Button Style - Old

  5. Use the same approach and set the default styles for other controls on the CSS tab.

Override the style on a basic control

You can override the style for a control on a form without changing the defaults on the theme by assigning a class to the control. See the following example to assign a class to the button control.

  1. Add a class to your style sheet.
    .BlueButtonStyle {
    color: white;
    background-color: #007ACC;
    .RedButtonStyle {
    color: white;
    background-color: #a31000;
  2. Upload the style sheet to TotalAgility.
  3. Update the button control to use the newly added class – on the General properties of the button, under Design, select Class for Style.
  4. Save and release the form.

    At runtime, the new style is reflected for the button.

    Old Style New Style

    Button Style - Old

    Button Style modified

Set an inline style on a basic control

Use the Inline style option if you need to override the style of a control's text.

An inline style only impacts the control for which it is being set; it does not impact any other controls on the form. An inline style is useful for setting the basic properties for the control.

  1. On the General properties of the control, under Design, select Inline for Style.
  2. Make changes to the text styles as needed.
  3. Save and release the form.

Change the style of an advanced control

You can style advanced controls on the form in the same way as basic controls.

This example describes styling a table control.

  1. Add the following styles to your style sheet.
    .LargeTableRow {
    height: 33px;
    line-height: 33px;
    color: #6a737d;
    .WhiteTableRow {
    background-color: white;
    .GreayTableFrame {
    border: 1px solid #DFE2E5;
    .WhiteTableHeader {
    background-color: white;
    font-weight: bold;
    height: 40px;
    line-height: 40px;
  2. Upload the style sheet to TotalAgility.
  3. Use the style sheet in your theme.
  4. Configure the table control properties.

    Table Properties

  5. Complex controls have a separate section in the Themes Designer where you can map custom classes to the control properties.

    Table Styles modified

    Note These classes are taken from the uploaded CSS file.

    Once the styles are applied, at runtime, the table appears with the custom styles.

    Updated table Styles