Export languages

The translation package is created as a compressed (.ZIP) file that contains the components stored in resource (.resx) files:

Note The .resx file format stores information as XML entries, which specify objects and strings inside XML tags.

  1. On the Home page, click Process Designer > Export Languages.
  2. In the Items box, consume the items to use to create a translation package.
  3. To select the languages to include in the translation package, click Select Languages.

    The Languages page appears.

  4. Select the required languages and click Close.

    For each selected language, .resx files are created for the selected process.

  5. Select a location for the translation languages package.
  6. In the Export Options group, do the following:
    1. Click Yes to export SLA.
    2. Click Yes to export Page Renditions.
  7. Click OK.

    The translation languages package is exported to the specified location.