Properties of a Button

See Basic controls.


Allow the control to be enabled at runtime.


By default, the control ID appears as the name. Change the ID to make the control easier to identify during mapping.

Change the default text (button1) to something that provides useful information to a user. For example, use "Click to update personal details" instead of "button1".

Use tooltips to provide supplemental information about the control at runtime.

For example, instruct the user to click the Professional Details button to complete information about their professional experience. For example, use a tooltip such as "Click to enter information about your professional background".


Choose whether the control be visible at runtime. (Default: Yes)

Security Token

Use security tokens to make the form more secure. See Security tokens.

Resize to Fit
Allow the image to be resized to fit the button frame.
Load Image from Store

Select No to enter a image name /URL in the Image box. (Default: No)

Note For on-premise TotalAgility, the image needs to reside in the following location:

<Installation location>\Kofax\TotalAgility\Agility.Server.Web\Forms\Images.

Select Yes to consume an existing image or to enter the image name in the Image box. (Default: No)

Note The name must match the name in the database for the image to display at runtime.

Image Path
To use an image for a button, enter the path of the image or enter the image name.
Causes Validation

Indicates whether the button causes validation to be performed on any controls that require validation when it is clicked.

Note If an error occurs while validating the controls then the button does not fire its event.

Show Validation

Indicates whether to display the list of invalid fields at runtime, when the button that causes validation is clicked. This is specifically helpful when the invalid fields are within a collapsed panel, or tabs, or tabs within collapsed panels that do not currently have focus.

Showing validation displays error messages for invalid fields. Each error message is a link, which when clicked, sets focus to the invalid field so that you can correct the error quickly. If the invalid field is in a collapsed panel, the panel expands. If the invalid field is in a tab, the tab is displayed.

After fixing the errors, if you click the button again, the validation summary is refreshed and displays the outstanding errors, if any.

  • The Show Validation property is only available, if the Causes Validation property is selected, and only applies to non-touch forms.

Confirmation Message

Configure a button to display a confirmation message when clicked.

Adding a confirmation message to a form can prevent the user from accidentally performing an action that may result in data loss.

For example, a user pressing the Delete Customer button by mistake could delete a customer and all associated data from the system without having the chance to undo their action. To prevent this, create a confirmation message that displays the text "Are you sure that you want to delete this customer account details? Click Cancel to stop the deletion. Click Yes to confirm the deletion."

Specify the message using a dynamic or a static value.

  • If you save the confirmation text in a global variable, the confirmation message is available for use with different forms within a site.

  • If you select a form field, the field appears at runtime, where you can enter the message. For example, if the Submit button on an online form will make permanent changes, enter text similar to the following, "If you click Submit, you cannot make any more changes. Do you want to continue?".


Configure the design properties. See Configure the design of a control.

Primary Button
Configure a button to indicate that the button on a form is the primary button. The primary button is visually different from all other buttons and indicates the most used, or main action on a form. For example, when you build a manual logon form, the Logon button is set as the primary button.