Configure the advanced properties of a form

Advanced form properties include map properties such as process name, version, activity name and node ID. Change the process name and activity associated with a form as needed.

Note The advanced properties are only available for Take Activity, Multiview Activity, Device Create New Job, Document and Folder forms.

Advanced properties of a Take Activity and a Multiview Activity form

  1. Open the Take Activity or Multiview Activity form, click the form name.
  2. On the Properties bar, click Settings Extended Properties.
  3. On the Extended Properties page, click the Advanced tab.

    The Existing group displays the following read-only properties:

    • Process: Name of the process on which the form is generated.

    • Version: Current version of the process map.

    • Activity: Name of the selected activity on which the form is generated.

    • Node ID: The current ID of the node.

  4. The Update Associated File group displays the process and activity associated with the form. To change the associated file, do the following:
    1. Click the Process button in the Process box. A list of processes appear.
    2. Consume the needed process. Activities associated with the selected process appear in the Activity list.
    3. Select the activity to use.
    4. Click Update. The form is updated with the selected process or activity.
    Tip To view the association between the form and its activity, open the process map > select the activity > General Properties >Associated File Path. See Configure the General Properties of an activity for more information.

Advanced properties of a Device Create New Job form

  1. Open the Device Create New Job form and click the form name.
  2. On the Properties bar, click Settings Extended Properties.
  3. On the Extended Properties page, click the Advanced tab.

    The Existing group displays the following read-only properties:

    • Form: Name of the form.

    • Version: Current version of the form.

  4. The Update Associated File group displays the folder and document associated with the form. To change the associated file, do the following:
    1. Click the Folder / Document button inside the Folder / Document box. A list of extraction groups and folder types appears.
    2. In the Folder / Documentbox, consume the folder / document to use.
    3. Click Update. The form is updated with the selected folder or document.

Advanced properties of a Document form

  1. Open the Document form, click the form name.
  2. On the Properties bar, click Settings Extended Properties.
  3. On the Extended Properties page, click the Advanced tab.

    The Existing group displays the following read-only properties:

    • Form: Name of the activity form.

    • Version: Current version of the form.

  4. The Update Associated Document Form group displays the document and activity associated with the form. To associate the form with other document type:
    1. Click the Document button inside the Document box. A list of extraction groups appear.
    2. Click the needed Extraction group.
    3. Consume the Document to use.
    4. Click Update. The form is updated with the selected document.
  5. You can display the mini-viewer for all controls at one time instead of configuring each control individually. In the Update Mini-Viewer group, do the following:
    1. To enable the mini-viewer, click Yes for Show .
    2. Set the Width and Height.
    3. Set the Position of the viewer to be left, right, above or below on the form.
    4. Click Update.

Advanced properties of a folder form

  1. Open the Folder form, click the form name.
  2. On the Properties bar, click Settings Extended Properties.
  3. On the Extended Properties page, click the Advanced tab.

    It displays the Existing group with the following read-only properties:

    • Form: Name of the activity form.

    • Version: Current version of the form.

  4. The Update Associated Folder Type group displays the folder and activity associated with the form. To associate the form with other folder type:
    1. Click the Folder button inside the Folder Type box. A list of folder types appear.
    2. Consume the Folder to use.
    3. Click Update. The Folder form is updated with the selected folder.