Add a classification group

  1. On the Home page, click Data > Classification Group.

    The Classification Group page appears.

  2. Click General.
  3. Enter a Name for the classification group.
  4. Enter an optional Description for the classification group.
  5. By default, TotalAgility places new classification groups in your working category. To select a different category, on the Consume list, click Categories, and then consume the category for the classification group.
  6. On the Categories list, click Extraction Groups, and consume the extraction groups to include in your classification group.
    Note You can only use released extraction groups in your classification group.
  7. TotalAgility displays the current version of the classification group when you save or release the classification group.
    Note After you save or release the classification group, you cannot open the previous versions.
  8. The Status field displays the state of the classification group after you save or release the classification group.
  9. Click Save Save.
  10. Click Release Save and Release.

    Note the following: