Translate a lookup

Create a lookup and translate the items into multiple languages. The content that appears depends on the language selected.

To translate a lookup, define a list for the Default language and then provide translations for those items in other languages.

Note The lookup items in the default language serve as the master list; all translated versions have the same number of items as the master list.
  1. Create a lookup as follows:
    1. On the Home page, select Data > Lookup.
    2. Consume the Category to use for the new lookup.
    3. Enter a Name and Description.
    4. Enter the text to display as a Prompt.
  2. In the Multilingual group, click Yes, which enables the Language and Content options.

    The default language is selected.

  3. For Language, click Configure.

    The system displays a list of languages.

  4. Select the languages to configure.
  5. Click Close Close View.

    The selected languages appear on the Language list.

  6. On the Language list, select a language for which to translate.

    A copy of the default language items and prompt appears for the selected language.

    • When you translate, you cannot add or delete items on the lookup of supported languages because the master list controls this information.

    • When you add an item to the master list, the item becomes available to all supported languages.

    • When you delete an item from the master list, the corresponding item is removed from all supported languages.

    • When you delete a supporting language, the translated items are removed from the lookup list.

  7. For Content, select Translate (default).
  8. Select the items from the Lookup Items list and manually enter the translations.
  9. Click Add Add.
    The translated items appear in the list.
  10. Click Save.