Set up a database connection string

See Databases.

  1. On the Home page, click Integration > Database Connections.

    The Database Connections page appears.

  2. Enter a connection string in the Connection String box:

    Note You can whitelist a database connection string. If Allow All in the system settings is set to No, you can only use the whitelisted database connection strings. See Configure the server URLs and database connection strings.

    • If using a SQL server native driver, enter the connection string value as "Server=(local);Trusted_Connection=Yes;Database=<database name>;"

    • If using ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), set up a data source connection to your database (using ODBC Data Source administrator), that is, a system data source name (DSN), and enter the connection string value as "DSN=<databasename>; "

    • If using OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding Database), enter the connection string value as "Provider=sqlncli11;Server=<server name>;Trusted_Connection=yes; Initial Catalog=<database name>;"

  3. Click Add Add.
    Note A connection string is just a shortcut, not a linked reference. Therefore updating a connection string has no impact on existing activities or events.