Virtual folders

A case is often manual, heavily paper-driven, and plagued by poor visibility. Imagine the amount of paperwork associated with a court case that spans three years. Virtual case folders provide a way of managing all case-related documentation, such as emails, meeting notes, court documents, and correspondence.

A virtual folder, also called a case folder, can store references to the case documents without storing the actual documents. It can contain references to any number of diverse case items, such as Microsoft Word documents, Adobe PDF Files, HTML links, and to objects in external repositories, irrespective of where the data is stored.

Using the virtual folders, the information to process a particular customer's case, or project, is readily accessible and available to all case workers. You can also tailor access to the various case documents using an individual's roles and privileges.

TotalAgility provides virtual folder APIs. You can use these APIs to manipulate virtual folders at runtime; to add, update or delete a document within a virtual folder or search for a case document using the index data fields defined for a virtual folder. Index data fields are references to items, such as a document, web page or image.

Note Only case maps support virtual folders; business process maps do not.

See Create virtual folders.