Activity input and output

Define input and output variables for an activity.

You cannot add the same variable more than once as input and output. However, you can add the same variable as both input and output. When using an entity variable to an activity as input or output, either set an entire entity or an individual attribute as input or output variable.

You can use both process and server variables as input (NOT output) to Classification, Extraction and Composite activities for use in the Kofax Transformation Designer (KTD) script. However, you can only use simple variable types and cannot use Document, Folder, Entity, Checklist, XML, XML Expression and Complex variables. Therefore any document or folder variables configured for these activities are not available for use as input variables. The String input variable for Scan profile name on Composite activity is also not available for use.

Input variables for capture activities become available in Transformation Designer script. For example, if you consume an input variable called "test", you can access this variable in the Transformation Designer script as:

pXDoc.Fields(1).Text = pXDoc.ParentFolder.XValues.ItemByName("KTA.InputVariable.test").Value

You can consume the following document set properties as input or output to an activity.

System properties
Number of Documents Number of documents available in the document set.
Documents Document ID, Name (specified in document set for the Document Type), Source (source defined when you add a document to document set), Document Type ID, Document Type Name, Document State, Document State Description, Date Received.
Documents Summary Document Type, Source (source defined when you add a document to document set), State Description and Date Received.
Required Document Summary A list of document type names and description provided in the document set.
Received Document Summary The description of document type names and the rule comments (if any rule is applied).
Document type
Number of Documents Number of documents in a document type.
Status Status of the document type.
Status Description Description of the document type status.
Comment Document type rule comments (if a rule is applied for a document type).

You can set the document set properties as input (not output) in the following nodes:

  • Decision

  • Email activity

  • Loop activity

  • Web Service activity

  • .NET activity

  • Activity preconditions

  • Ordinary activity

  • Manual Capture activities