Configure the TRIM Add Document activity

  1. Add a TRIM Add Document activity to the map. See Add an activity.
  2. On the Extended Properties page of the TRIM Add Document activity, click the Configuration tab.
  3. To select the TRIM system in which to add or check in a document, consume the system in the TRIM System box.
  4. To select a different fileplan shortcut for your folder, use either of the following methods:
    • To provide a dynamic value, consume the process or server variable in the Relative Path box.

    • To provide a static value, click Static Static and enter a value in the Relative Path box.

  5. To provide a path to the location of the folder in which to add the document, enter a static or dynamic value in the Folder Path box.
  6. To provide a path to the document to add to the folder, enter a static or dynamic value in the Document Path box.
  7. Enter the Document Title using a static or dynamic value.
    Note If you are checking in a document that was checked out, the document title must match the title of the checked out document. Otherwise, the document is added as a new document in the TRIM System. However, while checking in, you can replace the checked out document with a different document. For example, you checked out an A.doc from the TRIM System and you need to replace the A.doc with B.doc from your computer. Using this activity, you enter the Document Path that points to B.doc, and enter the Document Title as "A.doc." The B.doc is checked in as A.doc and replaces the original A.doc.
  8. Select the Record Type to use from the list.
    Note Record Types are the basic building blocks or templates for records defined in the TRIM system. They partition information within a database to allow users to view only the records to which they have access permission.
    A list of all the metadata defined for the selected record type appears in the Metadata table.

    The metadata is only displayed if you are adding a new document to the TRIM System. If you are checking in a previously checked out document, the TRIM ID box appears instead of the Record Type list.

  9. To change metadata values, consume the process or case variable in the Value box.
  10. To check in a document:

    1. Click Yes for Check-in Document.
      Note Select this option only if the document is currently checked out to your computer.
    2. Enter the document TRIM ID.

      Note The TRIM ID is the unique record number for a folder or document in the TRIM system. To download, check out, or check in a document, you can consume the variable containing the TRIM URI in the TRIM ID box.

  11. To automatically retrieve the document URI from the TRIM system to populate a variable upon the completion of an activity, consume the variable in the Document URIbox.
    Note The document URI helps manage documents within a TRIM System. When you add or check in a document to the TRIM folder, or download or check out a document from a TRIM folder, the variable containing the document URI identifies and selects the required document.
  12. To restrict the users from modifying the document, select No for Declare as Record.
    Note A record is a tangible object or digital information that has value to an organization. For example, records could include birth certificates, medical x-rays, office documents, databases, application data, and email.
  13. By default, the job is suspended if any of the values mapped to metadata fail to update. To ignore the metadata update failures, click Yes for Ignore Metadata Update Failures.

    The error is not generated and the job completes.

  14. Click Save.
    The document is added or checked in to the TRIM system.
    Note If TotalAgility finds insufficient privileges, incorrect parameter values, or a mismatch between the selected location and the fileplan shortcut, the document is not added or checked in. Error details appear in the event log.