Input types

The input types are the preconfigured quick controls (Textbox) available on the forms toolbox so that you can easily add them to a form.

The input types are available for a Desktop, and Phone or Tablet (touch-enhanced and non-touch) form; and are supported on all forms except for the Device create new job form.

  1. On the form modeling bar, click the Design tab.
  2. On the Toolbox panel, expand Input types.

    The following preconfigured input types are available:

    • Password: A textbox control with the Field type set to Password, and the Label text defaults to Password.

    • Email: A textbox control with the Field type set to Email, and the Label text defaults to Email.

    • URL: A textbox control with the Field type set to URL, and the Label text defaults to URL

    • Numeric: A textbox control with the field type set to Numeric.

    • Decimal: A textbox control with the Field type set to Decimal, allows decimals, and the Decimal precision set to 2.

    • Currency: A textbox control with the Field type set to Currency and the Decimal precision set to 2.

  3. In the properties panel, you can change the default properties of each input type, as needed.
  4. Click Save.