Manage Business events

You can add, modify and delete business events on the Business events page.

To open the Business events page, navigate to Monitoring > Business events.

See Business events.

Add a Business event

  1. On the Business events page, click New.
    The New business event dialog box is displayed.
  2. On the Category list, select the category to which you want to associate the event. By default, your working category is selected.
  3. Enter a Name for the event.
    Note You can enter a maximum of 40 characters for a name.
  4. Optional. Enter a Description for the event.
    Note You can enter a maximum of 255 characters for description.
  5. To add Fields, do the following:
    1. Click .
    2. Enter the Name for the field.
    3. Select either SingleLineOfText or Number as value for Type.
    4. Click Add.
  6. Click Save.
    The event is added to the Business events page.

Modify a Business event

  1. On the Business events page, locate a business event to find a specific event or search for an event within a specific category.
  2. Click the business event you want to modify.
    The Edit business event dialog box is displayed.
  3. Make changes as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a Business event

On the Business events page, on the context menu of the business event to delete, click Delete.

On confirmation, the business event is deleted.