Configure the AltaLink series

  1. Open a Web browser and enter http://<MFP IP address> in the Address field.
  2. Log in with your Administrator user ID and password.
  3. Select the Properties tab.
  4. Select Extensible Service Setup.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click Enable All.
  7. In the WS-Discovery Multicast row, click Settings and click Enabled.
  8. Click Save.
  9. In the Browser Settings section on the Extensible Service Setup page, ensure Enable the Extensible Services Browser is selected (it is by default) and click Apply.
  10. In the left pane, click Connectivity, then Setup.
  11. In the Protocol section, click Edit next to HTTP.
  12. In the Force Traffic over Secure Connection (HTTPS) section, click No, then click Save.
  13. In the left pane, click Login/Permissions/Accounting and select Login Methods.
  14. Click Edit next to Control Panel & Login Methods.
  15. On the Edit Login Methods page, select the following options:
    1. In the Control Panel Login list, select Xerox Secure Access.
    2. In the Website Login list, select User Name / Password - Validate on the Device.
    3. Click Save.
  16. On the Login Methods page, click Edit next to Xerox Secure Access Setup.
  17. Click Manually Override Settings.
  18. On the Manual Override page, set the following:
    1. In the Server Communication section, if you use a standard Equitrac card reader, select Enabled under the Embedded option. If you use a generic card reader, clear Enabled.
    2. In the Device Log In Methods section, select the preferred method.
    3. In the Accounting Information section, select Automatically apply Account Codes from the server.
    4. Click Save to apply the changes, then click Close.
  19. In the left pane, under the Login/Permissions/Accounting section, click Accounting Methods.
  20. Click Edit next to Control Panel & Website Login Methods.
  21. From the Current Accounting Method list, select Network Accounting, and click Save.
  22. In the Accounting Workflow row, click Edit.
  23. For any service that you want to record transactions, from the list, select Capture Usage. If you want to use job limits (and will turn on “Job Limits” on the server), select Pre-Authorization and Capture Usage for Copy Jobs. Click Save.
  24. Click Edit next to User Accounting Prompts.
  25. Turn on Display Prompt for each prompt and click Save.
  26. After the Device Initialization, in the left pane, under the Login/Permissions/Accounting section, click User Permissions.
  27. In the User Permission Roles row, click Edit.
  28. Click the Non-Logged-In Users tab and click Edit.
  29. Select Apps & Tools.
  30. Select the Custom Access option to select the services that you want to control access to:
    • Allowed - the service appears on the control panel and is accessible without authentication.
    • Not Allowed & Hidden - the service appears on the MFP control panel, but cannot be accessed until the user authenticates.
    • Not Allowed - the service does not appear on the control panel.
  31. Click Apply to complete the configuration.
  32. Log out of the MFP’s configuration utility and close the Web browser.