Numeric Field Options

An numeric field allows the user to enter numbers in a form.

Option Description
Default Value The default value for the field which appears on the device panel.
Required Select this check box to require that a user enter a value into this field before a scan can be initiated. The default value, if specified, satisfies this requirement.
Maximum Value Specifies the maximum value (inclusive) permitted in the field. For example, a value of “50” for this option would permit any value less than or equal to fifty.
Minimum Value Specifies the minimum value (inclusive) permitted in the field. For example, a value of “10” for this option would allow all values greater than or equal to ten.
Enable Grouping Select this check box to specify that the non-fractional part of a number should be grouped. For example, select this check box to show one million as “1,000,000”, or clear this check box to shown one million as“1000000”.
Group Separator Specifies the character used when grouping the digits. For example, set this option to "." to display one million as “1.000.000”. This setting is ignored if grouping is disabled.
Grouping Digits Specifies the number of digits that are grouped between group separators when the Enable Grouping check box is selected. The default number of digits is 3.
Decimal Places The number of digits after decimal point. The default number of digits is 0.
Decimal Separator Specifies the character to be used when separating the non-fractional part of a number from the fractional part. For example, if the decimal separator is a comma, the number “ten and twenty-five hundredths” is displayed as “10,25”. This setting is ignored when Decimal Places is set to 0.
Format String The format string allows custom formatting of a field using the Format String Entity Characters .

Format String Entity Characters

Use numeric string entity characters to in the Format String box to custom format content in a numeric field. These character are parsed to format a number field. Other characters in the Format String box are interpreted literally and may be added before or after the entity characters in a numeric string definition.

Characters Description
0 The zero placeholder indicates that if a value exists in the digit of the number to be displayed it should be used; otherwise, a zero will be displayed.
# The digit placeholder indicates that if a value exists in the digit of the number to be displayed it should be used; otherwise, no character will be displayed.
. The decimal point indicates the position of the decimal character. The actual character used, however, is specified first by the number format parameters described in section, “Number Format” and then by the default parameters for the current locale.
, The grouping separator indicates the number of digits that should be grouped together in the whole part of the number. For example, “#,###0.00” indicates that there should be four grouping digits used. The actual character used is specified first by the number format parameters described in section, “Number Format” and then by the default parameters for the current locale.
; Used for separating the positive representation from the negative representation. The positive number format precedes the negative number format. In the absence of a negative format, a negative sign “-” is added—preceding all characters.


The format “$#,##0.00;$(#,##0.00)” yields the following numeric strings:

  • 1 -> $1.00
  • 5654.35 -> $5,654.34
  • -6000.34 -> $(6,000.34)

The format “0.0%” yields the following (the percentage sign “%” is not a special character):

  • 6.5 -> 6.5%
  • -0.5 -> -0.5%
  • 0 -> 0.0%
The dollar sign "$", the percent sign "%", and the parentheses "(" and ")" shown in the examples are not entity characters, so they are interpreted literally.