Configure the Mobile Server URL in MobileIron

To configure the Mobile Server URL in MobileIron to work with Business Connect, do the following:

  1. On the MobileIron Admin Portal, go to the Policies & Configs tab, and then select the Configurations tab under.
    After adding the Business Connect application to MobileIron, two configurations are automatically created:
    • Default AppConnect ConfigurationName: Business Connect, Configuration: APPCONFIG
    • Default AppConnect Container PolicyName: Business Connect, Configuration: APPPOLICY
  2. Select Default AppConnect Configuration for iOS/Android, and then click Edit.
  3. In the AppContent App Configuration window, click the Add button in the App-specific Configurations section.
  4. Enter server address in the KEY field and the Mobile Server URL (such as in the VALUE field.MobileIron app configuration
  5. Click Save. The configuration appears on the list.