General SQL syntax

A simple SQL query:

select Value-Field,Display-Field
from Table
where Some Condition

The first column must be the value for the list item and the second column the display for the list item.

A select statement can also return a single column:

select ValueField 
from Table 
where Some Condition

In this example, the column will be used for both the value and display for the list item.

A conditional select statement:

select "Customer Id", "Customer Name" 
from "Customers" 
where "Customer Name" = ‘Fred’

In this example, all customers where Customer Name is "Fred" will be returned.

A conditional select statement using wildcard characters:

select "Customer Id", "Customer Name" 
from "Customers" 
where "Customer Name" like ‘%Johnson’ 

In this example, all customers where Customer Name ends with the text "Johnson" will be returned. For example, customers where Customer Name is "FJohnson", "FredJohnson", "Johnson" or "3Johnson" will be returned.

SQL wildcard syntax is used with the like operator. The wildcard character % is used to specify a one or more characters.