Certificate acceptance

The device must be configured to accept the Web server certificate from DWS. If this is not configured, when attempting to access the Unified Client for Konica Minolta, you may get a 2236 error or be prompted that the certificate security credentials cannot be verified.

You have the following options to accept the certificate:

  • If DWS has a self-signed certificate, which is the default, install it as a trusted root certificate in the External Certificate List.

  • If DWS uses a purchased certificate, make sure the issuer is a trusted root certificate on the device.

  • If you are still unable to accept the certificate, you have the option of accepting all certificates by setting Certificate Verification Settings to Off. However, this is the least secure method.

Follow the steps that apply to how you want to accept certificates from DWS.

Accept the DWS self-signed certificate

  1. Export the root self-signed certificate from DWS by following these steps.

    The following procedure applies to Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge on Windows. For other browsers and devices, see the documentation provided with the browser.

    1. In a web browser, go https://<DWS server>:8444 where DWS server is the IP address or host name.
    2. Click the button to the left of the URL for viewing the certificate.

      This button may say Not secure if this is a self-signed certificate.

      A menu appears listing information available about the website connection.

    3. Click Certificate (or Certificate (invalid) if the button indicates Not secure).

      A window with information about the certificate appears.

    4. Click the Certification Path tab and select the root (top-most) certificate in the list. Do not select any of the certificates below the root. Click View Certificate.

      A separate Certificate window appears for the root certificate.

    5. Click the Details tab.
    6. Click Copy to File.
    7. The Certificate Export Wizard starts. Click Next.
    8. When prompted to select the export file format, select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.
    9. Complete the wizard by specifying a path and file name, verifying the settings, and clicking Finish.

      A screen indicates when the certificate has been exported successfully.

  2. At the device web page, select Security > PKI Settings > External Certificate List.

    The External Certificate List displays the root certificates. You can change the display as needed.

  3. Install the DWS self-signed certificate as a trusted root certificate. Click New Registration and follow the instructions to install it.

Accept a purchased certificate

  1. Select Security > PKI Settings > External Certificate List.

    The External Certificate List displays the root certificates. You can change the display as needed.

  2. Verify that your certificate authority is installed as a trusted root certificate. If it is not listed, click New Registration and follow the instructions to install it.

Accept all certificates

  1. Select Security > PKI Settings > Certificate Verification Settings.
  2. In the Certificate Verification Settings, select OFF. Complete the other fields as needed.