General tab (Form Settings)

Use settings on this tab to configure the display name, single touch scan, access control, scan, and dynamic form settings for a Lexmark component form.

Option Description
Display Name

The name of the form that appears on the panel.

Single Touch Scan

Select this option if you do not want the user to enter indexing data about the document. If you select the option, the scan operation starts immediately after the user presses the form button on the panel.

Access Control

Select the level of access to the form:

  • Public  — Unrestricted public access to the form.
  • Restricted Access — Restricts access to users and groups that you type in the field.
  • Active Directory Integrated — Select the option and click the browse button to restrict access to users and groups that you select from the active directory.

Scan Settings

The Parameter column shows a configurable scan setting. Settings are grouped according to Basic Options and Advanced Options.

In the Value column, you can set default scan settings if the user does not change the setting at the device panel. The Lexmark User Guide provides more information on scan parameters.

Select Locked for a setting to prevent users from changing that setting at the device panel. Select Locked next to the Basic Options heading to prevent users from changing any of the basic options.

Select Default to use the default setting supplied by the device. You cannot set values for a parameters while the Default check box is selected.

The Default selection overrides the Locked setting. Selecting both settings is the same as selecting only the Default check box and allows the user to change the scan settings at the panel.

Basic Options:

  • Page Size — Select from the list of available page sizes.
  • Sides — Specifies Simplex (one-sided), Duplex Short Edge (two-sided, bound on short edge) and Duplex Long Edge (two-side, bound on long edge).
  • Page Orientation — Orientation of the target document, either “portrait” or “landscape”.
  • Resolution — Resolution in DPI (dots per inch) of the scan.
  • File Format — File format of the scanned document (TIFF, JPEG, PDF, RAW (2.0), Secure PDF, XPS).
  • Multi-Page Tiff — Specifies whether the TIFF file contains a single page image or a multipage images (subfiles).
  • Color Mode — Provides the enumeration for an available color mode. The target document will be rendered in Black and White (gray scale) or Color. If no value is specified, Color will be used. If the device is only able to scan in monochrome then all scans will be monochrome, regardless of the setting here.
  • Mono Bit Depth — Specifies bit depth and used only when Color Mode is set to Black and White. This setting is ignored if Color Mode is set to Color and bit-depth will be set to 24-bit. This setting is only available with devices using Framework versions 2.x. For previous versions, use the Composition setting.
  • Composition — Specifies the image composition of the job. The image composition defines the bit depth, number of planes, and color space of the image data to be generated by the job. Not all combinations of image composition, file format and compression are valid for Framework versions 1.x. This setting is not used and has no effect for devices running Framework versions 2.x.
  • Content  — Contents of the target document.
  • Compression — Specify different formats for compression of the scanned image. Not available with devices using Framework versions 2.x.

Advanced Options:

Not all Lexmark devices support these options. Refer to the device user manual for more information.
  • Custom Job — Allows a user to concatenate sets of original scan jobs into one single job. Jobs may from different sources and different settings.
  • Darkness — The darkness level of the scan with (1) being the lightest and (9) the darkest.
  • Edge Erase (Top, Left, Right, Bottom) — Specifies the amount of image data to erase at either the top, left, right or bottom of the original image window. This option allows the user to eliminate unwanted marks along the edge of the target document.
  • Scan Preview (hard drive) — When enabled, the user sees a thumbnail of the scanned image. With flatbed devices, a thumbnail appears for each page scanned. For ADF devices, a thumbnail appears for only the first page.
  • Background Removal — Specify the background removal level of a scan. Higher values change lighter shades to white. A value of zero is neutral.
  • Color Dropout (2.0) — Turns the selected color to white to support form processing functions. Also turns dark marks and notations to black. This setting only affects gray scale jobs.
  • Color Dropout Threshold (2.0) — Specify the threshold for shades to become either black or white. By increasing the threshold, darker shades become black while lighter shades become white. By decreasing the threshold, darker shades become white while lighter shades become black.
  • Contrast — Specify the contrast level of the scan. Higher values result in more contrast.
  • JPEG Quality — The amount of image quality and detail retained by the JPEG compression algorithm.
  • Source — Specify the scanning source.
  • Negative Image (2.0) — Specify whether the image produced by the scan is to be inverted.
  • Shadow Detail — Specifies the black-point level of the scan.
  • Scan Edge to Edge — Specify whether the document is scanned from edge to edge or only within the specified margins.
  • Sharpness — Specify the sharpness of the image. Increasing the value may be useful for blurry text. Decreasing the value may be useful for moiré patterns.
  • Action Button Text (2.0) — Specify the text to be displayed on the Action button. If no text is specified, the default text for the action is used.
  • One Page Copy — Specify whether scanner scans an entire job at one time or one page.
  • Pdf Password (1.2 on X940e, X945e) — User can specify a password to use for secure PDF. File Format must be set to SECURE PDF. This setting does not apply to Framework versions 2.x.
  • Pdf Algorithm (1.2 on X940e, X945e) — Specify the encryption algorithm to use with secure PDF. File Format must be set to SECURE PDF. With Framework versions 2.x, the encryption algorithm is selected automatically.
  • Restart Job (1.2 and older) — Specify whether the job must be resubmitted when the job is canceled for any reason. This setting does not apply to Framework versions 2.x. For Framework versions 2.x, the user can use Scanner Jam Recovery instead of this setting.
  • Scan Recovery (1.2 and older) — Specify whether a job resumes immediately after the MFP devices jams. Successfully scanned pages will be preserved and scanning will resume after the last good page. If setting is not selected, the job will not resume after the MFP device jam.
  • Scanner Jam Recovery (2.0) — Specify whether the full or partial job must be resubmitted when the job is canceled for any reason. If Job-level is selected and the entire job must be restarted, then the job must be resubmitted. The Page-level setting saves all properly scanned pages but all pages after the first jammed must be resubmitted.

Dynamic Form

Configure a form to respond to events:

  • Enable Dynamic Form — Allows the AutoStore server to load form snap-ins. Examples of how you can use dynamic forms include:
    • Adding and removing fields.
    • Changing field contents. For example, loading the contents of a list field from a database.
    • Validating field contents before scanning the document.
  • Snap-in path — Path to the compiled snap-in (.NET assembly) that contains the code to respond to form and field events. If you have an existing snap-in, click the browse button to locate the file.
  • Source Path — Path to the snap-in source code. The code editor uses the path to compile the snap-in during design time.
  • Create/Edit Snap-in — Click to open a code editor with basic snap-in code. For information on the editor, review Lexmark Capture Component Snap-in Documentation by opening Help in the editor.
  • Raise event when Form is loaded — Triggers an event every time the user enters the form.
  • Raise event when Form is submitted — Triggers an event every time the user presses Scan on the form.