Installing the Embedded HP OXP Solution

  1. Open HP Web Jetadmin.
  2. Right-click Solutions in the left navigation menu, and select Import solution from the list.
  3. Click Browse, and select the Manifest.XML file from the Nuance\Equitrac\Device Control Engine\HP OXPd\bin folder.
  4. Select the file from the list, and click Import.
  5. Click Done after the files has been imported.
  6. Right-click Solutions in the left navigation menu, and select Install solution from the list.
  7. Select Specify Solution from the Install Solutions dialog box, and click Next.
  8. Move the desired device(s) from the Available devices column to the Selected devices column.
  9. Highlight the device(s) in the Selected devices column, and click Next.
  10. Select the Manifest file and click Next.
  11. On the Settings page, enter the Application and Configuration URL information, click Activate Choice for Solution, and then click Next.
    • Application URL: http://<DCE server IP address>:2939/Public/DCE/HPOXPdController/bin/<binary> where <binary> is either EquitracAuthenticate_CE.bdl or EquitracAuthenticate_CE_Arm.bdl depending upon your device.
    • Configuration URL: http://<DCE server IP address>
    Additional parameters, such as debug=1 in the above screen example, can be optionally appended to the configuration URL to enable debug and trace. Additional parameters are separated from the URL by a slash ( / ) and are separated from each other by semicolon ( ; ). For example, a URL with both debug and trace enabled is:;trace=1
  12. On the Confirm page, select the Manifest file, and click Install.
  13. When prompted, enter the EWS Password, and click Finish.
    The User name and Password are the same as the Admin ID and Password set in Web System Manager > System Configuration > Global Configuration Settings > Devices > Embedded device. See Configuring Administrator Credentials.
  14. The Results page displays that the installation was successful.
  15. Close the Install Solutions dialog box after installation.