Add a customized logo

You can modify the MFP front panel to include a customized logo. The logo appears in the top right corner of the display. This feature is not available for VersaLink devices.

To add a custom logo, do the following:

  1. Create your logo, using any graphic editing software. The logo must meet the following requirements:
    • Dimensions of 140 x 48 pixels.
    • Transparent background is recommended. Use a transparent background color (MAGENTA), or a blue-gray background with R,G,B values equal to (99, 109, 132) to blend with the top bar.
    • File name must be XeroxECSP.png.
  2. Save to file type of .png (Portable Networks Graphic), and note where the file has been saved.
  3. Move the file from where you saved it to: [INSTALLDIR]\Kofax\Equitrac\Device Control Engine\logo.
    This folder is created by default when Equitrac is installed.
  4. Equitrac will use the logo created, and the new logo appears the next time ECSP is run on the device.
  • To update the logo at any time, follow the above process, replacing the existing XeroxECSP.png file.
  • To remove the logo at any time, delete the XeroxECSP.png file from [INSTALLDIR]\Kofax\Equitrac\Device Control Engine\logo.
  • To complete the change or deletion of a logo, use the DWS Web Admin page to access the settings tab for the MFP, then click Force All Logo Update.